6 Smart Reasons for Using Facebook Ads for Your Business

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In the last blog, we have covered the non-paid way of building your brand presence in the Facebook. Now let's discuss the paid way to build a larger audience database through Facebook.
Sorting how, when and where to advertise your business online can be a tough job. With the help of Google Adwords, you can find profitable, prominent and effective search ad campaigns, but many businesses neglect to consider the value of other advertising channels. let's talk a step forward toward Facebook Advertising
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"Activate Your Fans, Don't collect them Like Baseball Card"
Social media can tremendously increase exposure to traffic for your business, create the loyal customer, and generate leads and sales. Where Facebook remains the uncrowned king of the Social network. It is the Social-Media platform of choice for the majority of marketers- and for a good reasons
Its never been cheaper to build your brand and create new demand for your product and services. if you aren't already advertising on Facebook Ads, you'd be crazy not to. Especially if you want to grow crazily in 2018.

Here are Six reasons Facebook Ads will help make your business Super-Duper successful in 2018

1. Fine-Tuned Targeting
Facebook offers a plethora of targeting and retargeting options so you can show your ads to a narrowly defined audience – demographic, location, behaviors, lookalike audiences and more are available.

Facebook’s Ads Manager makes it easy to handle your social media advertising campaigns, with user-friendly features to help you set up your ad campaign. With a few clicks, you can run ads on Facebook, Instagram, Audience Network, and Messenger on mobile and desktop.

You can insert a tracking pixel into pages within your website to target your ideal customers with the products that they are most interested in.

2. Large Mobile Audience
Mobile traffic is important as smartphone penetration continues to increase and 4G data networks expand. Plenty of people break up their work day by glancing at their phones for some social media time, giving you access to your mobile audience.

In fact, Facebook has over 1.74 billion users that access their mobile app on a daily basis and growing.

3. Extensive Analytics
Facebook also doesn’t skimp on analytics and reporting for ad performance. Instead of struggling to see your conversion rate and other social metrics, you have it laid clearly out in front of you.

When managing a Facebook page, you can access this data through the “insights” tab where they will provide you with metrics such as your weekly reach, page likes, post engagement, your best performing posts- and you can measure your page up with competition to see how you match up.

This data visibility helps you adjust campaigns as needed, instead of finding out it wasn’t effective after the fact.
4. Improved Brand Awareness
Facebook users check their newsfeed multiple times per day, giving your preferred audience repeated exposure to your ads.

Even if they aren’t clicking through at the beginning, your ad’s continued visibility helps you build trust and also creates opportunities for retargeting in the future.
5. Upward Trending Click-Through Rates
Facebook ad CTR is also increasing steadily as Facebook improves its advertising tools and businesses learn how to use them appropriately. And now, with constant improvements on the targeting and creative end, you can dial in to the exact audience you are looking to reach as well as have the creative freedom of multiple ad types to choose from and present to the customer.
6. Facebook Advertising Increase customer loyalty
Customer loyalty is important to any business as they can bring in a constant source of sale and profit. Businesses are always seeking new ideas on how to boost customer loyalty and Facebook is one of the easiest ways to do so.

Using Facebook ads, you can educate fans about your products or services and interact directly with them to provide fast and accurate support to questions and comments so that you can build loyalty and brand image. Facebook users check their newsfeed several times a day, giving your target audience frequent exposure to your ads. Even if they aren’t clicking your ads, the continual visibility in their news feed increased efficiency and engagement which creates opportunities for retargeting in the future.

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The Bottom Line

Start changing the way your business uses Facebook today. Done correctly, Facebook ads can be very beneficial for the marketing efforts of your business. But without an effective testing and practices in place, you won’t recognize whether you’re essentially getting the most out of your budget.
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