5 Reasons for Planning Your Marketing Strategy with Facebook

social media Marketing
Marketing plays a key role in success for any business. Whether you're already an entrepreneur or planning for a start-up this year, its the best time to have your marketing strategy handy.

social media marketing

Social Media is no more a media, rather it has become a way of life

It's crucial to set your budget and try at least one marketing channel at a time to monitor the ROI (Return of Investment) and to make a choice whether to keep it or move ahead. I believe Facebook Ads will exceed by a greater margin than all other digital marketing channels in 2018.

Here are the  top 5 reasons why you should consider to use social media giants like Facebook to promote your business

acebook business page

1. Ultimate Exposure to protential customers


Do I really need to say anything more? 
If you can't find a new audience on Facebook, possibly you need to rethink your line of work.

2. An Hassel-Free reach to Your Target Audience 

Only because there are 1.19 billion Facebook users, that doesn't signify they all want to like your page.
 In fact, I wouldn't want all of them to like your page- because that will make of no use as an only certain percentage will be actually engaged with your posts.
As an example, I was able to get a handsome amount of inexpensive views to my post by targeting my audiences. I targeted my audience who have a certain interest in marketing. Almost guaranteeing that they will like my blog.
Same is true for your page and business.
Let's assume, you are a local business owner, so what's the point to target your ad in the entire country, Right? Rather, direct your ad to target customers within 10-15 miles radius. The ads will not cost you more, and the likes and potential customers are well targeted.
With Facebook Ads, you can be aussured if you target your ad correctly.

3. Gather More Leads

Have, people to like your page? Well, that's not enough to provide yourself a long-term, sustainable exposure for your business.
Yes, you can be sure of making a short living by just using your Facebook page in that way. But, think what if your page gets disappear one day?
That's why smart business gathers leads in the form of an e-mail address. So that they can contact their community outside Facebook. Try to implement a CTA (Call To Action) button on your page to gather information about your potential leads. Make sure to use that information well for promoting.
E-mail your audiences once or twice in a week with helpful information that also leads them to your website- where they hopefully become buyers.

4. Lower Your Marketing Expenses

Starting a Facebook business page cost you exactly nothing.
Yes! you need to pay a graphic designer to design a profile picture and cover photo. But that's nothing in front to big is traditional print ad agencies.
But, m point is that getting rolling with a page cost you nothing until you start paying for ads.
Facebook ads are also relatively inexpensive when compared to the quotation provided by traditional print, radio or T.v. ad agencies Quotations.

5. Use of Facebook Insight

I personally love the new Facebook Insights provided on the Facebook business page. Why?
Because of it's easy to use interface - even a non-technical person can handle it. But it is highly recommended to hire a Digital Marketing person to look after the page to get the optimum result of it.
A quick look at the insight page provides:-
    - How many pages like you have
    - The Reach of post and page
    - Post-performance
    - Engagement of the post & a lot more 
The result provided is usually sufficient. Compare this to running an Ad on newspaper, you will not be given any such stats as to how many people visited your store/website based on the ad.

The Bottom Line

Hopefully,  these 5 benefits have convinced you to have a facebook business page. I personally can't imagine running a business without having a Facebook Page.
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